Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Rumaging through our basement junk room, I came across some "Words of Wisdom", I had created some time ago. I would like to share them with you. Let me know what you think.

Empower the dreamers of a better tomorrow, for they are the most likely to achieve where we have failed. GW (written 10/18/00)

It is a great tragedy to recognize stupidity, and do nothing but shrug our shoulders over it. GW (written 6/22/00)

There is ALWAYS time for communication! GW (date unknown)

And finally;

Just People

Voices, hearts, and minds,
eyes, ears, legs and arms,
moving about, living a life,
Just people.

Seeking meaning, seeking purpose,
getting around, getting by,
just like You and I,
Just People.

Why do we love? Why do we hate?
Your neighbor's like you.
Just people.

We are not gods, not devils,
capable of so much good,
we can do much better, as we should.
Just people. GW (written 10/17/01)

So, there you have them. I know there were more, when and if I find them on the little scraps I used to put them on. I hope to publish the rest.

A new one, added 10/23/11. 

How much better humanity would be if moments of clarity were MORE than just moments?